Date: Jun 11, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Instructor: Carole Kurth
Part 1 of 2 of a Multi-Part Class.
Experience Level: Intermediate to Advanced
The Collage artistry of Laura Heine will draw you in with its fresh new look! Embrace your inner hippie-chick; don’t be afraid to go outside the lines and let your creativity shine! We’ll draw, and cut and fuse, and stitch and fuse some more–discover a pick-up truck, a sea-horse, tear-drop trailer, or maybe a BUFFALO, on your way to greatness!
Please Purchase your supplies online BEFORE YOUR CLASS!*
Pattern and Kit: Laura Heine collage pattern of your choice. Go online to Please note: Kits are also available at
OR In Place of Kit-Fabric: from your stash.
You may pick up the Supply List in store. Supply List also included with registration confirmation.
We ask that you register for a class in advance. Payment is due at time of registration. You may make payment with a credit card over the phone or come into the store. Class size is limited and in many classes, we have waiting lists. If you are unable to attend a class, please call to cancel your class registration 5 (five) days prior to the date of the class. See Refund Policy located under the Calendar Section.